Discover in the city of Florence
a place made of stories
and shows
Discover in the city of Florence
a place made of stories
and shows
Regia: ¿¿
Cast: Megumi Hayashibara, Toru Furuya, Akio Otsuka
After the success of Perfect Blue, Giunti Odeon now brings Paprika by master Satoshi Kon (1963-2010), one of the most acclaimed masterpieces of Japanese animation cinema. Presented as a world premiere at the 63rd Venice International Film Festival in 2006, Paprika is based on the novel of the same name by Yasutaka Tsutsui and represents a milestone in the history of cinematographic art and the collective imagination. First released in Italian theatres in 2007 and internationally awarded, the film is universally recognised as one of the best works of the late Satoshi Kon, an eccentric and visionary cult director, who played a crucial role for all the colleagues of his generation and became known worldwide for masterpieces such as Perfect Blue and Tokyo Godfathers. Thanks to his unique vision and bold style, Paprika has profoundly influenced contemporary cinema, inspiring internationally renowned directors and becoming a reference for works such as Christopher Nolan's Inception. Set in the near future, Paprika tells the story of Dr Atsuko Chiba and her dreamlike alter ego Paprika. Using the DC Mini, a technology that enables the exploration of other people's dreams, the film tackles profound themes such as identity, the subconscious mind and the boundaries between reality and imagination.The work stands out for its innovative storytelling and extraordinary animation, which transports the viewer to an unprecedented dream universe that now appears more contemporary than ever. The soundtrack is by Susumu Hirasawa.
Wednesday 19/02 - ore 10:00
At Giunti Odeon a rich selection of films and documentaries on painting, visual arts and comics in the 20th century. This is a selection of very rare titles (with many experimental and artist films) - from the Cineteca di Bologna archive - dedicated to the life and works of Alberto Burri, Umberto Boccioni, Primo Conti, Giorgio De Chirico, Antoni Gaudì, Alberto Grifi, Hugo Pratt, Gino Rossi and many others.
...A new innovative library format, within the backdrop of rare beauty that has housed a stage since 1922, which has made the history of cinema in Florence. A century later, Giunti Odeon marks a new beginning to personally experience the future and history in a single cultural, leisure, and entertainment experience. Rediscover the pleasure of experiencing the library in the heart of the city.
Utilizza questo modulo per inviare segnalazioni relative a problemi riscontrati nel nostro cinema, libreria o ristorante. Scegli la categoria appropriata per aiutarci a gestire al meglio la tua richiesta.
The restaurant
Il Caffè Odeon di Firenze nasce da un incontro e da un sogno. L’incontro è quello con la casa editrice Giunti e col progetto sulla nuova vita da dare allo storico cinema Odeon di Firenze, come centro culturale polifunzionale. Il sogno era quello di poter avere uno spazio, aperto tutto il giorno come i grandi caffè mitteleuropei, in cui proporre piatti provenienti da diverse tradizioni gastronomiche, insieme ad una pasticceria altrettanto ricca e ad una caffetteria di grande qualità, senza trascurare bevande analcoliche sofisticate, vini e cocktail.Assaporare un cibo, bere un caffè fumante o sorseggiare un buon vino sono cose che hanno molto in comune con il leggere un libro o guardare un film: si tratta sempre di usare i nostri sensi per vivere delle storie, che ci riguardino direttamente o ci portino in altri mondi, ed è proprio questo che ha fatto sì che l’incontro permettesse al nostro sogno di avverarsi.
Odeon, the history of cinema in Florence
All the most beautiful films, the most illustrious guests, and the most important events have had the grand hall of the historic center as their stage. Discover its history.
A century of cinema and culture
From 1922 to the present, the history of Florence's Odeon cinema in a book full of pictures, documents, stories and curiosities.
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