
Discover in the city of Florence

a place made of stories

and shows



In programming

Wednesday 19/02 - Wednesday 19/02

Paprika 4K (Italian version)

Regia: ¿¿

Cast: Megumi Hayashibara, Toru Furuya, Akio Otsuka

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In programming

Wednesday 5/03 - Wednesday 5/03

Michelangelo Vs Raffaello. MI-RAbili - Il dramma umano contro la divina bellezza

Regia: Mirko Baldassarre


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Coming soon Photography Atelier

Do you like photography but need someone to help you take your first steps into this fantastic world? Then Giunti Odeon is the right place for you! Gabriele Galasso's Atelier is coming, which will provide you with all the knowledge you need to shoot in manual mode on your own, putting your shooting techniques into practice straight away through photographic exercises and stimulating your creativity both day and night When? Every Tuesday from 12 November to 3 December (6pm to 8pm) and Saturday 30 November outdoors (10.30am to 12.30pm)! How? By registering at GO (€120 and €60 for the under-25s, from Wednesday 16 October)!


Il nuovo Atelier di storia del cinema, dedicato alla Nouvelle vague

Subscriptions are now open for the new Atelier of Film History curated by Marco Luceri, with five meetings dedicated to the Nouvelle vague (from 27 February to 27 March, every Thursday from 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m.). It is possible to subscribe at the Giunti Odeon box office (every day from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.): the subscription is nominal and valid for all five encounters, at a cost of 100 euros (50 euros for under 25s). For more information on the programme click on ‘The events’ in the menu above. 


Wednesday 19/02 - ore 10:00

Artist's visions: painting, visual arts and comics in the 20th century

At Giunti Odeon a rich selection of films and documentaries on painting, visual arts and comics in the 20th century. This is a selection of very rare titles (with many experimental and artist films) - from the Cineteca di Bologna archive - dedicated to the life and works of Alberto Burri, Umberto Boccioni, Primo Conti, Giorgio De Chirico, Antoni Gaudì, Alberto Grifi, Hugo Pratt, Gino Rossi and many others.

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The bookstore

Books on Stage
La libreria di Giunti Odeon

A new innovative library format, within the backdrop of rare beauty that has housed a stage since 1922, which has made the history of cinema in Florence. A century later, Giunti Odeon marks a new beginning to personally experience the future and history in a single cultural, leisure, and entertainment experience. Rediscover the pleasure of experiencing the library in the heart of the city.


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Utilizza questo modulo per inviare segnalazioni relative a problemi riscontrati nel nostro cinema, libreria o ristorante. Scegli la categoria appropriata per aiutarci a gestire al meglio la tua richiesta.

The restaurant

Nourish your mind and body: discover our bistro

Il Caffè Odeon di Firenze nasce da un incontro e da un sogno. L’incontro è quello con la casa editrice Giunti e col progetto sulla nuova vita da dare allo storico cinema Odeon di Firenze, come centro culturale polifunzionale. Il sogno era quello di poter avere uno spazio, aperto tutto il giorno come i grandi caffè mitteleuropei, in cui proporre piatti provenienti da diverse tradizioni gastronomiche, insieme ad una pasticceria altrettanto ricca e ad una caffetteria di grande qualità, senza trascurare bevande analcoliche sofisticate, vini e cocktail.Assaporare un cibo, bere un caffè fumante o sorseggiare un buon vino sono cose che hanno molto in comune con il leggere un libro o guardare un film: si tratta sempre di usare i nostri sensi per vivere delle storie, che ci riguardino direttamente o ci portino in altri mondi, ed è proprio questo che ha fatto sì che l’incontro permettesse al nostro sogno di avverarsi.

Odeon, the history of cinema in Florence

All the most beautiful films, the most illustrious guests, and the most important events have had the grand hall of the historic center as their stage. Discover its history.

A century of cinema and culture

From 1922 to the present, the history of Florence's Odeon cinema in a book full of pictures, documents, stories and curiosities.

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The GO Card is the loyalty card that combines the advantages of Giunti al Punto bookstores with the exclusive initiatives of Giunti Odeon. Join the community.


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