Discover in the city of Florence
a place made of stories
and shows
Discover in the city of Florence
a place made of stories
and shows
Regia: Akira Kurosawa
Cast: Takashi Shimura, Toshiro Mifune
One of the greatest films of Japanese cinema and of the entire history of cinema, a masterpiece by the master Akira Kurosawa, returns to the big screen at Giunti Odeon, in a splendid uncut restored version. 16th century. While civil wars rage, the peasants of a village manage to convince seven samurai to defend them against a band of forty marauders. In reality there are only six samurai because the seventh (played by the prodigious Toshiro Mifune) is a peasant who has learnt to fight, a key character in the film's unprecedented social dialectic between the noble caste of disarmed warriors and the humiliated and offended people. This essential aspect of the film was almost wiped out by the brutal cuts imposed by the production (forty minutes for the Japanese edition and even seventy for the international one), which impoverished the complexity of tones and registers of the complete version. Of this masterpiece (one of the greatest successes of Japanese cinema) the narrative scansion, the plastic and figurative strength of the battle scenes and the character design are admirable. The Seven Samurai is an epic in its own right - it is an epic of the human spirit because very few films have gone so far, to show so much, to indicate the surprising and frightening extent of sacrifice, and daring to oppose impending chaos with personal courage, selfless gesture and choice.
A new innovative library format, within the backdrop of rare beauty that has housed a stage since 1922, which has made the history of cinema in Florence. A century later, Giunti Odeon marks a new beginning to personally experience the future and history in a single cultural, leisure, and entertainment experience. Rediscover the pleasure of experiencing the library in the heart of the city.
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The restaurant
Il Caffè Odeon di Firenze nasce da un incontro e da un sogno. L’incontro è quello con la casa editrice Giunti e col progetto sulla nuova vita da dare allo storico cinema Odeon di Firenze, come centro culturale polifunzionale. Il sogno era quello di poter avere uno spazio, aperto tutto il giorno come i grandi caffè mitteleuropei, in cui proporre piatti provenienti da diverse tradizioni gastronomiche, insieme ad una pasticceria altrettanto ricca e ad una caffetteria di grande qualità, senza trascurare bevande analcoliche sofisticate, vini e cocktail.Assaporare un cibo, bere un caffè fumante o sorseggiare un buon vino sono cose che hanno molto in comune con il leggere un libro o guardare un film: si tratta sempre di usare i nostri sensi per vivere delle storie, che ci riguardino direttamente o ci portino in altri mondi, ed è proprio questo che ha fatto sì che l’incontro permettesse al nostro sogno di avverarsi.
Odeon, the history of cinema in Florence
All the most beautiful films, the most illustrious guests, and the most important events have had the grand hall of the historic center as their stage. Discover its history.
A century of cinema and culture
From 1922 to the present, the history of Florence's Odeon cinema in a book full of pictures, documents, stories and curiosities.
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