IN FUGA DAL DOMANI by Massimo Martelli
Friday 10/05 - ore 18:30

On the stage of GO comes Massimo Martelli with In fuga dal domani (Susil Edizioni), a sentimental and introspective novel that deals with disturbingly current themes. The author will engage in a dialogue with Giovanni Fittante, President of Villa Vittoria Cultura.


The book:


At the end of the '20s of the third millennium, in a future that is closer than ever and deeply engulfed by continuous and irreversible technological progress, Serena and Marco meet. Their diverse personalities don't seem to be a limit at the beginning of an important love story, which will lead them, despite doubts, betrayals, and difficulties, to jointly purchase a newly built apartment. They will be hyperconnected, to the extent that they will have to apply subcutaneous chips for managing automations in the accommodation. A series of traumatic and upsetting events that seem to offer no other way out will lead Serena to leave Marco, her job, and abandon her own country... Far away from everything she seems to be safe, but one morning her past comes knocking on the door again. She will later understand that she is part of a broader international intrigue, which seems to offer no solutions other than forcing her to flee again, to save her life.


The author:


Massimo Martelli was born in 1967 in Florence where he has always lived. After a technical education, he began to carry out his activity also as a freelancer, particularly in the real estate sector, gaining experiences both nationally and abroad. Married and with a daughter, Massimo loves all sports and adores traveling, discovering new places and cultures, always with curiosity and attention.


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